Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The PYMWYMI Letter Project
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
College Essay (critique ready) ; Kevin in Wonderland.
TOPIC: Tell us how a particular book, play, film, piece of music, dance performance, scientific theory or experiment or work of art has influenced you. If you choose a novel, film or play, assume we know the plot.
Kevin in Wonderland
In today’s society we all find ourselves caught up in the popular media. Whether it may be novels, films, music, actors/actresses, we tend to have our own personal opinions and influences from them. Things that can catch our eye the most and can make us interested are what influence us.
“Attention all 3rd to 8th graders of St. Joseph School! Auditions for this years school play, Alice in Wonderland, are today in the cafeteria after school. See you there!” said the loud intercom. Considering I was a 5th grader that year, I said to myself in confidence “maybe I’ll get a better role than last year!” Every person in my class was thinking about auditioning. From class to class, we all sit anxiously in our seats waiting for the end of the day just to audition. “R-i-i-i-i-n-g!” goes the final bell of the day. We all rush out of the classroom, making our way to the cafeteria
When my whole class arrived at the cafeteria, it was filled with students trying to audition. It was like the whole 3rd to 8th grade class wanted a part in the play that year. At last, the auditions began. “All of you must sing a song from the play in groups” said Mrs. Kaiser, the St. Joseph School’s drama teacher. I picked my best friends to sing with me for the audition. As we got called up to audition, we prayed that we would get good parts, hugged each other for good luck, and finally walked to the front of the room. We picked The Walrus and the Carpenter to sing. And so we began, “The Walrus and the Carpenter
Were walking close at hand…” After we were done singing people clapped for us, shouted “good job you guys!” and cheered loudly. After every went to audition, we got our roles for the play. Sadly, I got a small part, the Red Queen’s knights.
On the day of the first show, everyone began to become nervous and started panicking. As the curtains swung open the first, second and third scene began. The scenes were about Alice not paying attention to her sister and following a white rabbit down the hole, and finding herself in Wonderland. While waiting for my part to come on, I waited on the side with my friends, watching the play. For a second, I thought to myself “Alice is kind of like me. I don’t pay attention when the teacher is talking and I am very curious.” From a small part in the play, it influenced me to pay more attention in class.
After the story started to unfold, the 4th, 5th and 6th scenes began. They were about Alice getting advice from the caterpillar and how Alice met the Mad Hatter and Hare. Again, I thought to myself “maybe I should start listening to advice that my friends and family are giving me.” As the 6th scene was ending, I began to get ready for my part. The 7th and 8th scenes were mostly about who stole the Red Queen’s tarts. After my part was over, the nerves started going away. I started to zone out again, I thought, “maybe I should do what I am told to and tell the truth because if I don’t, I’ll have to pay the price by punishment
Even though it’s been years since I was in this play, I really learned a lot from this experience. Alice sets goals and accomplishes them in the story so she could go home. Ever since I was in this play, I started setting goals for myself. I slowly began improving on my grades, listening and paying attention in class. Alice in Wonderland really open my eyes to do better in school. It influenced me to do better in school.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Coming of Age DRAFT
"Kevin! It's traffic, hurry up!" were the first words I heard from my mom, as I woke up on a Tuesday morning. As a got up slowly, yawning, I walked to my closet to get ready. After putting on my clothes and my shoes, I look at myself for the last time in my closet mirror. I thought to myself, "something’s going to change today."
Making my way downstairs, I rushed to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Pouring milk and Corn Pops into a bowl, my mom yells at me saying, “Hmm, you better hurry up. It’s traffic!” I quickly ate my breakfast, grabbed my driver’s manual and made my way to the car. It took us about 15 minuets to get to St. Joseph School in Waipahu. My mom parked in the front of the school to pick up three of my friends. We were going to the mall after I was done taking my permit test. After we picked them up, we were headed to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Sitting anxiously in the car, I asked my friends “Help me study, I feel like I’m going to fail!” They asked me questions from the manual. The first question went something like this “you are going into a curve too quickly, you should?” I answer the question quickly, “ ease off the gas, and speed up when you regain traction.” The whole conversation from St. Joseph to the DMV were all driving questions. We were nearly 5 minuets away from the DMV and I began to panic, thinking that I was going to fail.
As we made our way into the DMV, I saw a lot of people who were my age. I took a registration card, filled it out and nervously brought to the front desk. The lady looks at me with a genuine smile and says “Hello, are you here to take your permit test?” I smile back and nod my head yes. She asked both of my parents to sign a card and gave me it after. She then told me to bring the card to the cashier to pay two dollars for the written test. I stood in line for the cashier for about 3 minuets. Standing in line for that long made my nerves go away, but made me feel impatient. After I paid, the lady then told me to stand in line by the blue tape. I quietly thought to myself, “ this is such a really long process just to take a permit test.” At last, this was the last line I stood in before I took my permit test. I gave the lady the receipt to prove that I paid for the test. She smiled and gave me a pencil, answer sheet, and a test. My nerves suddenly came back as a walked to my seat.
I sat down, took a deep breath and began my test. I carefully read the first question and in an instant I circled my answer. I did the same thing for every question. By question five I began to wonder, “ why did I think this test was so hard? It’s EASY!” Before I knew it, I finished my test. I happily walked to the front desk to turn in my test, when I accidently overheard the guy talking to the lady at the front desk saying he failed. Hearing that conversation made me feel paranoid. I began to doubt all my answers on my paper and went back to my seat to check. After carefully checking my answers, I confidently turned in my test to the lady. She then pulled out her grading card, and marked my paper a lot of times. Once she was finished correcting my paper, she looks at me with a nice sweet smile and says “You Passed with only two wrong!” My reaction made people around me stare, because I was screaming and jumping. After I calmed myself down, I walked to the camera station to take my picture for my new permit.
From when that camera flashed to take my picture, I felt like a new person. Driving is something that only grown ups can do and that's exactly what it did, it made me feel like a grown up. I was no longer child; I was becoming a young adult. Receiving my permit made me realize that I have new sets of responsibilities to follow as a person and as a driver.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Pro-Con Formative Assessment ;
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Coming of Age; Finding Myself.
Thinking about the past and all the things I have gone through, I can see that I have indeed "come of age." Coming of age to me means to take responsibility of your own actions, feel more independent and to have more confidence in yourself.
For me, my "coming of age" experience began when I started high school. Coming from a private school, I knew public school would be a challenge for me. I was used to a small campus, with only 46 students in each grade. In private school, no matter what grade you were, we would get along. I could name everyone from kindergarten to eighth grade, I was that close with everyone. As the first day of high school began, I could see everybody chatting and laughing with their friends. I felt almost like a loner. I was so used to everybody knowing me. I had to gain confidence in myself and make new friends. I had to change my personality from shy to affable and vivacious. Doing this, made me make new friends. As freshman year flew by, other things started changing about me besides my personality. I started to dress and talk different. I went from slippers to shoes, jeans to shorts and short hair to long hair. I even went from shirts with awful kiddy designs on them to ones with nice designs that match my age. In addition I even started listening to more hip-hop and alternative music rather than r&b music.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Parent Comment
2. The third GLO, be involved with complex thinking and problem solving, I thought was the most value . You are good at doing problem solving especially in math. You do good in math and you used it as one of your examples.
3. I would like to see you focus more on GLO 1 because you do the work but you tend to turn it in late. The work you do is great but you should turn it in on time to be more responsible.
Parent Portfolio Post
This is my last website to make for my freshman year. It is my General Learner Outcome Website. Freshman year came by really fast and was full of fun memories.
Here is my GLO website : CLICK HERE
Please answer the following questions:
- What did you like best about my Portfolio and portfolio conference? What would you like to see me improve on in my portfolio?
- From your point of view, which of my attainments of the 6 general learner outcomes is important and what about my documentation of it impresses you.
- Which of the GLOs would you like me to focus on in the coming year(s)?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
What makes a good Sci-fi?; Draft
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Journal #32

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Poetry website invitation
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Self-Metaphor Poem
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Metaphor; Journal #27
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Journal #25 "vocabulary"
- Well, in 7th and 8th grade, we usually and vocabulary tests. Now, i just use the thesaurus or dictionary.
- I use the thesaurus online, when i am writing my essays.
i type in happy on teh search bar on the thesaurus website, words come up like blissfull, excited etc.
- For me, my goal is too learn as much new words i can. Maybe about 20 new words every semester. I can show that i "own them" by using them when i speak to people or when i am writing essays or homework.